Largest Reported NJ Personal Injury Settlement during the Court’s 2022-2023 term

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Recent events in the news cause many to be increasingly concerned with police conduct by questioning whether police have acted appropriately. “To protect and serve” is being attacked as a fallacy. Many perceive police officers as bullies who instill fear into citizens causing more harm than the problems they are…

Unless you have a large disposable income and an extremely trustworthy child, you are likely considering purchasing a used and relatively inexpensive vehicle when your child gets his or her license. However, research suggests that those older, cheaper cars are less likely to keep your child safe in the event…

After an extensive debate with federal officials, Graco Children’s Products is recalling 1.9 million potentially defective infant car seats, according to the New York Times. The company recalled 4.2 million toddler seats earlier this year after reports that a faulty buckle made it difficult to remove children from the car…

Warmer weather in New York and New Jersey means more time outside and an increased risk of certain kinds of accidents. Though drowning, fireworks accidents and grilling burns are far more common in the summertime than at other times of the year, following a few simple tips can help you…

As summer quickly approaches, more pedestrians and bicyclists are taking to the roads. The combination of good weather and children on summer break occurs at the same time of year people do the most driving. This leads to an increase in accidents. In fact, more fatal accidents occurred on New…