Over $1 Billion in Verdicts and Settlements

Category: Personal Injury

From late November through mid-January, families and friends gather to celebrate at holiday parties and family gatherings. Everyone deserves to relax over the holidays, but that doesn’t have to mean letting your guard down. The holidays are a good time to focus on safety because car crashes, falls and other…

As I watched the elimination matches of the 2018 World Cup, I cannot help but think back to my days as the goal tender and co-captain of the Englewood School for Boys soccer team (now Dwight Englewood). I realize that many of my life lessons taught to me by Coach Lender and the principles I…

After spending months planning what was anticipated to be a great summer vacation, the unexpected happens. Getting injured while on vacation, especially out of state, can be frustrating and confusing. Whether it is an auto accident, slip and fall, or premises liability, handling personal injury claims out of state or…

Roundup, the weed killer used all over the United States by both commercial farmers and individuals for home gardening, is at the center of a class-action lawsuit in which its producer, Monsanto, is being sued. The suit alleges that the company was misleading and falsely advertised the product by stating…

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) typically will investigate reports of personal injuries caused by the products that it regulates: Food, drugs, cosmetics, tobacco products and electronic products that give off radiation. Currently, the FDA is looking into reports about exploding e-cigarettes. According to a recent CNN report, the FDA identified 134…

May through September is the busiest time of year for most amusement and water parks throughout the country. Each summer, millions of people patronize these parks, hoping to make memories and looking for exhilarating thrills. Unfortunately, tragedies can occur and this summer has proven to be one of the most…